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Christ the King Catholic Primary School
Being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development
Attendance officer: Ms Nichola
Senior attendance champion: Mrs Lane
If you have any questions about attendance or absence, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Report an absence
Telephone 020 7272 5987 (option 2 and leave a message)
You must include child's full name, class, reason for absence and expected return date.
If the absence exceeds 5 days, you are required to provide medical certification from your GP.
Medical absence from school
The core school day is from 8.50am -3.30pm. Children may arrive from 8.40am.
We have a breakfast club from 8.00-8.40am and an after-school club from 3.30-6.00pm.
Contact the school office or more information on breakfast and after-school club places.