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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Attendance & punctuality

Being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development


Attendance officer: Ms Nichola 

Senior attendance champion: Mrs Lane


If you have any questions about attendance or absence, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Report an absence

Telephone 020 7272 5987 (option 2 and leave a message)



You must include child's full name, class, reason for absence and expected return date.

If the absence exceeds 5 days, you are required to provide medical certification from your GP. 


The school day

The core school day is from 8.50am -3.30pm. Children may arrive from 8.40am.

We have a breakfast club from 8.00-8.40am and an after-school club from 3.30-6.00pm.


Contact the school office or more information on breakfast and after-school club places.
