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Christ the King Catholic Primary School
Click below to view the Islington Parenting and Family Support page:
For more information about your local Bright Start Islington services call Islington FIS (Family Information Service) on 020 7527 5959.
Click on the link below for their website.
We support families with school-aged children up to 19 years old. We’re here for you, in your community when you need us.
We know that being a parent is not always easy and that all families need extra help at some stage as children grow up. This might be because your housing situation is difficult or you are hoping to get into work or training. A relationship may have broken down or someone close to you has gone to prison. Your teenager’s behaviour might be challenging at home or at school. You may have growing debts or you may be at risk of losing your home.
We’ll ask you what you and your family need and plan what we need to do together. We will bring together other services to work with us depending on what you need. For example, this might be housing, schools, prison, probation, young people’s services and Jobcentre Plus. We also offer parenting support and community events.
This service also supports clients with:
If you require any further information or would like support to make contact with any of the services listed, please contact Mrs Lane.
If you are not an Islington resident, please contact Mrs Lane who will be pleased to help you locate services in your borough.