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Christ the King Catholic Primary School
The core functions of the governing body include, but are not limited to ensuring:
The governing body and its governors must, as required by The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, regulation 6(2):
The governing body also has legislative responsibility and strategic oversight for the school’s safeguarding arrangements.
Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Westminster.
Parent governors are elected by parents and carers.
A staff governor is elected by members of staff.
In addition there are also associate members, who are:
Clerk to the Governing Body: Katie Jeffreys
The Governing Body meets once a term. There are three sub committees of the governing body with delegated responsibilities. The committees are:
Becoming a school governor is a valuable way of serving the local community.
Please contact Ms. Beveridge, our School Business Manager for further information.
See the link to the Diocese below.